Buy or Sell a Services Business
We specialize in selling services businesses with revenues from $500k to $10M+. Get started with a confidential and complimentary valuation.

Types of Services Businesses for Sale
See other Industries we specialize in.
Daycare and Educational Services
Home Services and Real Estate
IT and Business Services
Agricultural Services
What we look for
We specialize in selling Services Businesses with at least 5 employees and revenues from $500k to $10M+. We only work with business owners and buyers that are interested in selling or buying established and profitable Services Businesses at a fair price based on historical earnings. Some other characteristics we look for include:
Strong Leadership
Owners who have hired and trained employees to run the core business operations often spend less time in the field or shop, and more time focused on overseeing smooth operations and evaluating growth strategies. These businesses are perfectly positioned for aspiring entrepreneurs, who may not have the same technical background as the owner.
Existing Accounts
A strong roster of existing customers allows you to hit the ground running and generate revenue from day one. This means the new owner won’t have to spend all their time on new customer acquisition and can spend time on a lot of different parts of the business.
Bookkeeping Practices
We're not looking for perfect books, but it's very difficult for a buyer to evaluate a business without an organized income statement or balance sheet. Good bookkeeping practices (e.g., clearly labeling expenses, being diligent with receivables, etc.) allows a prospective buyer to analyze historical performance and signals that the rest of the business is run efficiently.
Sell your services business with Beacon
Explore your options with a complimentary business valuation.

Higher profit margins, recurring customer bases, and unique growth opportunities make home and business services businesses the ideal target for aspiring entrepreneurs.
William FryCEO, Beacon
Services Business Industry
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