Buy or Sell a Manufacturing Business
We specialize in selling manufacturing businesses with revenues from $500k to $10M+. Get started with a confidential and complimentary valuation.

Types of Manufacturing Businesses for Sale
See other Industries we specialize in.
Textile and Apparel Manufacturing
Wood and Paper Manufacturing
Food Manufacturing
Machinery Manufacturing
Chemical Manufacturing
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing
What we look for
We specialize in selling Manufacturing Businesses with at least 3 employees and revenues from $500k to $10M+. We only work with business owners and buyers that are interested in selling or buying established and profitable Manufacturing Businesses at a fair price based on historical earnings. Some other characteristics we look for include:

Trained Employees
As any owner will tell you, great employees are worth their weight in gold. Your employees are the ones on the front lines and often the ones delivering for customers. A solid base of tenured employees is also critical for expansion as they will be the ones assisting with training and upholding day-to-day processes.

High-Quality Machinery
High-quality machinery is critical for generating cash flow. In addition to reliability, we look for machinery that’s modern and well-maintained. Lastly, the machinery should afford your business some level of flexibility–whether that comes in the form of volume, product, or personnel changes.

Existing Accounts
A strong roster of existing customers allows you to hit the ground running and generate revenue from day one. This means the new owner won’t have to spend all their time on new customer acquisition and can spend time on a lot of different parts of the business.
Sell your manufacturing business with Beacon
Explore your options with a complimentary business valuation.

Commodity prices are anticipated to stabilize from coronavirus-induced volatility and renewed demand, both in the United States and global economies, which is anticipated to facilitate revenue expansion for manufacturers.
Manufacturing Industry
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